Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Great week!

This past week has been a really good one for me. I've felt such a renewed focus, like I had back in August. I had a great shopping trip where I went down a size. And I just felt a lot more energey, overall.

I had my WW meeting tonight. I was 1.8 pounds from my 40 pound mark. I didn't know if almost 2 pound was possible in my shortened week (last week I weighed in on Thursday b/c my Tuesday meeting fell on a holiday). 40 pounds has been a mental battle for me. The first time I did WW, I had success. I lost about 38 pounds, then I couldn't seem to lose anymore. I slacked on the program for probably 3 months, gaining, losing, gaining, gaining...... For 3 months I couldn't get past where I was. So this time around, I had it in my mind that the same thing was going to happen. And you know what, when you mentally prepare for defeat, that's what you're gonna get. For about 6 weeks, I've been between 32-38 pounds lost. The holidays were tough, I'd gain, then lose a little, then gain, then lose a little. I know that this was all mental. I had it in my head that I was going to gain and that's exactly what would happen.

Well this week, I reframed and got that positive thinking back. I journaled my food, I ate healthier than I had been... I was right on track! Like I said, I was unsure of an almost 2 pound loss, but when I stepped on the scale tonight, it read 287.6 pounds. My starting weight was 327.6 pounds.

I've lost 40 pounds!!!!!

I was so elated! It felt so good to get past that hurdle & that mark that I thought I couldn't get past. Do you realize that I'm only 10 pounds away from 50 pounds lost?!!? That's insane! I've been on WW for 21 weeks now, according to my book. I haven't missed a single week. On weeks that I couldn't make my usual meeting, I planned ahead & made it to a different one. I really think that the meetings are my key. I mean, I know that I'm the one eating right & I'm the one staying on track as much as possible. But those meetings are my accountability. Having a group there to support you when you're struggling & celebrate with you when you do well is fantastic.

That's also a reason that I joined the Healthy You Challenge. I haven't had the chance to make it to everyone's blog yet, but I'm working on getting everyone inputted into my google reader (a great little tool that I just now discovered... I had no idea this thing existed, and it's great!). I hope everyone else had a good week. And if you didn't, then let this week be your week! If you're new to my blog, please introduce yourself, I'd love to do the same for you!


Unknown said...

Congratulations girl! Woo-hoo! That is so exciting! Sounds like one of those goals that once you hit it, you just don't want (and never will) to go back. Been there done that just before Christmas myself.

Keep up the good work fellow challenge mate!

Chubby Chick said...

Congratulations on reaching the 40 lb. mark, Teale! That is absolutely fantastic... and I am SO happy for you!!! The 50 lb. mark is just around the corner! That is AWESOME!!!

Keep up the good work! You have definitely got your mojo back! :)

Jennifer said...

You are such an inspiration. Keep up the good work. I just started back with weight watchers last week and I am pumped

Suz said...

Wow! 40 pounds is an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations!

Carleen said...

CONGRATS!! i had a mental block my first time around 35pds...I'm excited to get closer to that soon and push passed it--- you totally KICKED butt in WW this time 40 pds in 21weeks is AWESOME...I"m jelaous-teaches me a lesson as I've been there 18 weeks and had lost 25 but regained some (almost 10) so I'm re-working those pounds...keep up the GREAT WORK!!

Heather said...

hooray!!!!! well I guess you beat me! I was hoping to make it to 30 before you made it to 40. but in all seriousness, Im glad you made it and so happy that you have made it past your furthest weight lost. I know you will continue this trend and work hard to accomplish even more.

Trisaratops said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling - and I'm so glad that you made it past your scary milestone. :)

Brittany said...

wooo hooo!!! way to go!!! you will be to 50 in no time at all!!! you're doing great!

oh..and the fitness balls you were asking me about. they're just weighted balls with a velcro strap on them. i attach the strap to my hand and do sit ups and lift it above my head and then take it down to the ground and things like that. i love them!! they're by harbinger.

Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful! Congrats on your success!! =0

Anonymous said...

Heya thannks for stopping by my blog! Much appreciated! Looking forward to slimming on down!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Job. It's great to see how close you are to your 50lb mark especially in 21 weeks. Awesome. I'm new, here from the Healthy You Challenge. It's good to meet you and I look forward to cheering you on!

Littleladyhead said...

Congrats my dear! WELL DONE!
* clapping and jumping up and down *

Anonymous said...

Well done on those 40 lbs lost. What an inspiration you are! Keep it up lovely
(ps I LOVE the first outfit in the pics you posted in your last post.) x

Kathy said...

You inspired me today...I'm also at one of those numbers that I have not been able to get past in several years. I really believe that once I break through that barrier that the numbers will start to move steadily. Congratulations on losing that 40!

Hanlie said...

Well done! I am so pleased for you... We all have those important numbers and it helps to break this long journey up into stages.

Diana Swallow said...

Congrats on the 40 pound mark, you've worked so hard for this and earned every ounce!! You are a continued inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Awesome AWESOME job!! Good job for you!

Holly said...

Congratz on the 40 lbs loss!! You'll be at -50 before you know it. I'm just starting my journey (well, restarting) and you are a great inspiration!



Anonymous said...

That is great! Isn't it great to hit a milestone, am so looking forward to mine. You are doing a fabulous job, keep up the great work!