One of my goals for this year has been to donate somewhere at least once per month. I have gotten nearly every month, with maybe 1 or 2 missing out due to the wedding planning. Places I have donated have included food for a local food bank, hygiene items for a local women's shelter, my never-been-worn wedding dress to Brides Against Breast Cancer, the ASPCA received a donation in lieu of our wedding favors, and I know there were others, but off the top of my head I can't think of them all... So for October, where was I to donate? It's nearly the end of the month, and I still hadn't donated anywhere. Then in my google reader yesterday was an entry from a local blogger. I've been reading her for just a couple months, and have never even commented on her entries until yesterday, but the post she wrote moved me and inspired me. You see, her sister recently lost her battle with cancer, and she wrote about a friend of hers who donated her hair in honor of her sister.
I donated my hair once before, to Locks of Love. They make wigs for children with cancer, and they require a 10 inch minimum donation length. I wasn't quite sure that I had 10 inches at this point, but I had been growing my hair out for our wedding, so it had gotten pretty long. The program that the blogger's friend donated to was through Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program, which donates hair to the American Cancer Society to make wigs for women (not just children like Locks of Love). And their minimum donation length is only 8 inches. And I knew I had that.
So just like that, I made my decision. I was going to donate my hair. Again. My thought is that I have been extremely blessed in my life and with my family, that cancer has never directly affected me. I have great aunts and uncles who have fought their battles, but never anyone in my immediate family. I consider myself very fortunate. And because of that, I feel like I should give back, specifically for that cause. Aside from the hair donation and wedding dress donation, I was very involved with Relay for Life for 7 years (and hope to be involved again next year). So it was a no-brainer that this hair was getting chopped. It will grow back for me, whereas there is someone out there who can't grow their hair back right now, so I wanted to help them.
The Process: In Pictures

(^getting a picture of the back of your own head is hard!)

(^all pulled back and double checking the ruler... 9 inches!)


(^It looks like a squirrel's tail!)
(^And here I am, with 9 inches less hair!)
If you're interested in finding out more information about donating your own hair, please check out: