This was actually about 24 hours after the nasty eyes originally started, and believe it or not, it got worse in the next couple of days. You could see NO whites of my eyes whatsoever. But, finally 2 weeks after that, it is completely gone. So now I'm just waiting for the next shoe to drop... I've come to expect problem after problem lately!
In other news, my boyfriend has planned a trip to Chicago (we're 2.5 hours south of there) on December 6th, and honestly, all signs point to a possible proposal... I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but sometimes you just have a feeling about things.... We're celebrating 9 months together this week, actually, and they have seriously been the BEST 9 months of my life probably... and ironic that I can say that, even with 4 of those months being hell, health-wise!
I'm not on any sort of wagon regarding weight loss... in fact, I haven't seen the wagon in so long, I don't even remember what it looks like. Eddie and I both have gained a lot of weight since we started our relationship... but for completely different reasons, I think. He eats in large quantities, whether it's good for him or bad, and I just eat bad stuff in regular quantities. Regardless though, both ways puts pounds on. I think he wants an easy answer for losing the weight though, and I told him that's just not gonna happen. He talks about him wanting to do Nutrisystem, but I just don't see that as a realistic option. I mean, first of all, it's expensive. And secondly, what's to stop you from overeating their food vs. your food, you know? And it's not like you can eat that for the rest of your life... But... just because someone knows HOW to eat right and eat balanced meals, doesn't mean that they do... and that's where I'm at. But, I'm also at an apathetic stage where I feel like "well, I'm OK right here for now..."
So, that's that I guess.
Oh your poor eyes!
Chicago sounds like a lot of fun and a possible proposal...even better!
I'll send the wagon for you!
Hiya. Glad things are going a little better, though I'm really sorry that you keep getting sick,a nd about the eyes, oh ick. sorry t was my first reaction.
OMG your eyes look awful... that looks so painful! I'm so glad you are feeling better.
On a sidenote, my mother in law (one of two, aren't I lucky? it's actually my husband's stepmom) is currently doing Nutrisystem and absolutely RAVES about it. She says she never feels hungry, and it costs her about what she would typically spend on food for herself anyways, give or take 10 bucks a month or so. She is going to have no problem hitting her weight loss goal using the program, and she says the main point of it is just to help with portion control, so when you're done with it you can eat more healthfully and utilize better portion sizes.
Just thought it might be helpful to hear that... whatever you guys do it's always good to hear others' opinions.
I'm also SO happy to hear that you and Eddie are doing so well and that you're so happy. :)
oh my gosh! I am sooooo sorry that you keep running into some bad luck with your health. I hope you and your eyes are better soon. I hope you get that proposal soon!
I'm glad you wrote on here! I've missed you and everyone. I got pretty excited for you when you mentioned the Chicago trip. Even if no proposal, it's gonna be great.
Oh poor you! You've really been through the mill... I hope the good times are now rolling around! One wagon coming up...
i was completely unaware that you even still wrote in this thing, especially after the whole googling your name thing. glad to know you're still alive and doing well... especially healthwise.
and i better be one of the um... first 20 people to know if you get engaged on this chi-town trip.
Awww... I'm so glad you're finally feeling better! And I'm so glad that you and Eddie are so happy! :)
Oh my! Proposal! WOW! I am so excited for you! I am glad your eyes have cleared up - I used to break blood vessels when I would vomit - but mostly in my cheeks. Fingers crossed for a healthy trip to Chicago and a healthy December to you.
Some people need a boost to start weight loss, and I think that's why pre-packaged meals or shakes appeal to them, so that they don't have to portion it themselves. They lose weight, and then they feel they can go forward from there, once they have that jump start. But I agree, you have to learn how to eat in the real world. Good luck to you both!
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