Monday, January 11, 2010

Week One? Check!

I did pretty well this week, the first of 2010. Some of my goals for the year are to eat dinner out only twice per week (did that!), breakfast out only once (check!), and to post here at least once a week (so far so good!). One week down, 51 weeks to go!

Granted, when I ate out, I splurged. Especially on date night. Hellooooo, Olive Garden! I only ate half my entree, but that's because I stuffed myself on soup & appetizer before the meal. It's OK though, because I didn't make my whole day be like that. Just one meal.

The Mister and I make it a habit to have date night once a week. We're newlyweds and we don't want to become automatic homebodies. Don't get me wrong, I like to be a homebody & stay in my PJs all day once in awhile (hello, Sunday!), but not all the time. I'd like for us to maybe start getting more creative with our date night though. It usually consists of dinner & a movie, or sometimes just dinner... but why always food? Maybe we could get away from that. We'll see.

Anyway, not too much to update on... I have plans to post an actual meal this week sometime, considering that's what this blog started out as! Sometimes I fall into the habit of cooking the same rotation of 8-10 meals & never spice it up... gotta find something new this week! Maybe a crock pot meal. Any suggestions/links to some good stuff?

And while you're suggesting things, have you read any good books lately? I'm hoping to read 50 this year, so I'm making a list of possibilities!

Happy Monday, all!


Laura said...

Hi Teale! I just happened on your blog today, and have enjoyed reading your archives. I started losing weight in September of last year, and am almost up to 20 pounds, which is a pretty big deal for me. I'm at 196 now.

I hope you're able to meet all your goals!

Made To Shine said...

Hooray for meeting goals. Gotta start somewhere, right?

Erin @Days to Remember said...

We get like that with dinner and a movie, too. Maybe we'll have to try the bowling alley out or this mini golf place we always drive past. For books- I just started reading "The Friday Night Knitting Club." There's also a sequel.

Stacy Light Mygatt said...

I'm starting on my own journey of weight loss (again). Starting right at 300 LBs...Be my partner in crime, kay?

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

Date night one a week is a great idea! I've been married a year and a half, and we're DEFINITElY homebodies. Which can have its own romance, I suppose, but it's nice to get out and do something different every now and then.

Great book goals! :) I need to read more this year too.