Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Walmart Savings 8/24-8/30
4 pk Angel Soft toilet paper
1 Just Bunches cereal
2 Glade plug-in refills
2 Oust sprays
2 Glade sprays
2 Rimmel Eyeshadows
1 Ronzoni pasta
1 Crisco EVOO
1/2 gal FF milk
4 Yoplait yogurts
1 Sara Lee bread
1 Cat Litter
I used coupons on just about every item, except I stacked my 2 oust coupons wrong (had 1 BOGO q & one $2/2 q) so I missed out on $2 savings... live and learn...
My total before coupons was $42 and some change.
I paid OOP: $25.91
Target Savings 8/24-8/30
4 Ziplock 25 ct. ($4.00)
Purina Cat Treats ($1.69)
Advil ($.99)
Satin Care trial size ($.99)
8 Yoplait Light ($4.00)
2 Pounce cat treats ($1.88)
(2) $1/2 Ziplock coupons (-$2.00)
Free purina treat coupon (-$1.69)
$1.50/2 pounce coupon (-$1.50)
(2) $1/4 Yoplait light printable (-$2.00)
$1/1 Advil printable (-$1.00)
$.55/1 Satin Care coupon (-$.55)
Total OOP: $5.52
Coupon Savings: $7.71
Meijer Deals 8/24-8/30
$.99/lb Chicken Breasts ($3.16)
3 packages Hillshire brats B1G2 ($3.99)
2 Lean Cuisine ($3.98)
1 Lifesavers Sorbets ($.99)
1 Purina Cat Food ($3.49)
(2) $1/1 LC printable coupons (-$2.00)
$4/1 Purina cat food printable (-$4.00)
Total OOP: $10.00
In-store & Coupon Savings: $19.58
I went on a back-to-school college night and there were stations set up throughout the store with samples & coupons & contests! I ended up getting a coupon for a b1g1 coupon for the Starbucks located inside Meijer, a coupon for free Edge shaving cream, as well as the following samples: Schick Quattro razor, 1 week supply of acne medication, 2 packets of coffee, 1 crystal lite to go sample, 1 energy drink sample, 1 wet ones sample, and a soy joy bar! Score!
Walgreens Deals 8/24-8/30
2 Glade Plug-ins (2/$4.79)
2 Trident Gum (2 @ $1.49 each)
Walgreens coupon for $.99 Trident (-$1.00)
(2) $.75/1 Trident coupons (-$1.50)
$4.00/1 Glade coupon (-$4.00)
Total OOP: $1.66
Total Savings: $11.29
My CVS Deals 8/24-8/30
2 Colgate Max BOGO ($3.29/2)
1 Playtex Sport ($4.99)
1 3pk CVS paper towels ($1.99)
$2/$10 printable CVS coupon (-$2.00)
(2) $1.50/1 Colgate printable coupons (-$3.00)
$1.00 Playtex Sport printable coupon (-$1.00)
$1.00 CVS paper towels from magic coupon machine (-$1.00)
$2.00 ECB (-$2.00)
Total OOP: $1.45
Earned: $3 ECBs
Total Saved: $12.29
Transaction #2
1 Kotex Light Days ($1.49)
$1.00/1 Kotex product (-$1.00)
Total OOP: $.61
Earned: $1.49 ECB
Total Saved: $1.00
Total Spent This Week @ CVS: $2.06
Total ECBs Earned This Week: $4.49
Wanna see more CVS deals? Check out CVS Superstars at The "Cent"sible Sawyer!
Change of Pace
At least I can say that I weigh less now than I did at this time last year... although it isn't by much.
I'm just not feeling the whole weightloss bit right now. It's not that I'm going out and eating like a crazy person, but I just don't feel like bothering with tracking things, and just plain old worrying about it. Some may think "well what could be more important than your health?" And while that's a good point, it's hard to focus so much energy on something that TAKES a lot of energy, when I have a lot of other things to worry about too.
I am like this with everything in my life. Something grabs my attention for awhile... I commit to it for awhile... then I get tired of it. A year ago, I was adding tons of weight loss blogs into my google reader... then I went to a craft blog phase, and now I'm into a money-saving blog phase. So while it may disappoint some (those few that may still read?), I am not making a full-time committment to this blog as a weightloss blog anymore... not that I even have been for awhile...
One thing that will be added to my blog title will be "and Steals...". Right now I am in the mindset that with a little work, I can save oodles of money in my life. And it really is happening... I read a handful of frugal blogs, and those ladies often suggest posting about our finds, and sometimes there are even contests involved for writing about such things... so, Teale's Meals shall become Teale's Meals (...and Steals!)
Monday, August 11, 2008
(Almost) Free Food!
1. Buy "All You" magazine from Walmart. This is chock full of great coupons, and totally worth the $1.97 it costs!
2. Look towards the back of the magazine, and you'll see a page of FIVE coupons for free Kraft, Nabisco, and Oscar Meyer items. With each coupon for a free item, you must purchase 3 items of your choice made by those brands. The coupons for the free items are: Kraft Singles, Wheat Thins, Crystal Lite, Kraft Salad Dressing, and Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs.
3. Purchase 15 packets of Kool Aid, which just so happens to be a Kraft food, if you check out manufacturing info on the back. Five coupons requiring you to buy 3 items=15 packets of Kool Aid. I got lucky & my Meijer had them on sale for 10 cents each, so I spent $1.50 and got ALL that food! Crystal Lite, Kraft Singles, and Kraft Dressing are staples in my house, so taht was especially great... the hot dogs and Wheat Thins I don't usually buy, but hey, it was free!!!
You can also get any variety of these items, as long as it falls into the price limit listed on the coupon... so you can get FF or LF items too!
Have you found any other great bargains like this that can help cut your healthy food grocery bill?!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
WW Friendly Chinese
Here's a chinese classic that's not only easy as pie, but low in points!
Beef & Broccoli
4 servings/4 points each
3/4 lb. beef round cut into small strips
2 tbsp cornstarch (flour works too!)
1/2 c. low sodium beef broth
2 tbsp oyster sauce (I skip this)
2 tbsp honey (yeah, I skip this too)
2 tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce
1 lb. broccoli, cut into florets (about 4 cups)
2 tsp canola oil
1 tbsp minced ginger (I don't miss this either)
3 cloves minced garlic
1. Combine beef w/1 tbsp cornstarch & toss well to coat. Set aside. Combine the rest of the cornstarch, broth, oyster sauce, honey, and soy sauce in a small bowl & set aside.
2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil & add broccolie. Cook until crisp-tender (3-4 min) and drain.
3. Heat nonstick wok or large skillet over med/high heat until a drop of water sizzles. Swirl in the oil, then add beef. Stir-fry until just cooked through (3-4 min) then transfer to a plate.
4. Add ginger & garlic to the pan and stir-fry until frgrant (about 20 sec) then add the broth mixture and cook, stirring constantly until mixture boils & thickens (about 1 min). Add beef & broccoli & cook until heated through (1 min).
And there you have it! Not too difficult! Eat this on its own, or serve over rice for additional points. Try this with chicken, shrimp, additional veggies... basically this is a pretty versatile, basic recipe! I find that broth, soy sauce, flour/cornstarch, and garlic is a good enough sauce for me, but if you like the blend of other flavors, by all means, include those!
What are some of your favorite chinese-inspired healthy meals?!
Dinner for pennies!

What is it, you may ask? Chicken and rice with broccoli! So simple and so flavorful.
1 packet chicken flavored rice (I used the walmart brand for $0.88)
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, diced (package of 6 breasts for $8, so $2.67 for the chicken)
Broccoli (optional... I had it in the fridge & needed to use it. I used about 1/4 crown, which cost me probably $0.25)
Marinade (optional... I've had this in the cupboard for months & wanted to use it... I used Lawry's garlic herb marinade, and it added amazing flavor... the rice is tasty on it's own though, so you could skip this if you wanted. I believe I bought this for about $1.50)
Divide all this by 6 servings, and it's only $0.99 per serving! Definately tasty, and you can freeze leftovers in individual containers, which is helpful when you live alone and cook for one!
What are some of your favorite meals to make that help you get the most out of your grocery money?? Are there any meals you make especially to have lots of leftovers? Share!
Hi friends
It's incredibly hard to eat healthy on a budget, I've found. But, it can be done if you take the time to figure out how to do it! I've started reading some money-saving blogs online. They give tips on ways to save money, as well as sites for coupons, free stuff, etc. Money Saving Mom and BeCentsible are a couple faves, for those interested. I also check out my sunday paper for coupons, as well as among some others. What I've started doing is shopping the grocery ads on Sunday to see what's on sale, then making my meals that week around the sales. Additionally, I'll see if I've got any coupons for those items, or I'll go to the brand's website to see if there are any posted on there. I also subscribe to places like and things like that to get coupons sent to my email!
It also helps when you have an uncle with a veggie garden who gives you broccoli, peppers, onions, tomatoes, and corn for free!
This blog started out as a place where I posted my meals and recipes and stuff, and it strayed from there awhile ago. I'd really like to get back into the habit of posting things like that again. I especially feel so accomplished when I successfully transform a really fatty, calorie-filled recipe into something low in fat and calories, but that tastes just as good.
So, suggestion time...
What are some meals that you love but that you avoid because they don't fit into your "plan" whatever it may be?
If any of you like to cook, what are some of your favorites? Share!