Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Doing well
This weekend Eddie & I did really well. Weekends are tough for us & we usually eat out probably at least 3 times. My goal for us this weekend was to only eat out once, and with the exception of a banana shake on Sunday (since I was sick & couldn't eat solid stuff by that point), we stuck to it! Here's to another good week (and fingers crossed that the brown team goes away on the BL, they irritated the shit out of me!)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Healthy on a budget
I went grocery shopping today. In the past when I've done WW and tried to eat healthy, I cringed every time I had to go to the store b/c I was always spending at least $75 every 2 weeks on groceries. Today though, today was different! I shopped all the store ads, then decided I was going to mainly go to walmart (a rarity lately, actually) and make a quick stop by meijer afterwards. I planned my meals for the next couple weeks based on what I had at home and what I had coupons for. I decided my budget would be $35.
And here's how I did:
3 packages of Birds Eye steamers veggies $1.25 each ($1/3 coupon)
Progresso chicken broth (found this on the clearance shelf) $1.20 ($1.25/1 coupon=free!)
Minute Rice $1.92 ($.40 coupon)
3 Lean Cuisines @ $1.88 each ($1.50/3 coupon)
Special K bars $2.50 ($1 coupon)
3 cans Veg All canned veggies (also found on the clearance shelf) $.50/can ($1/3 coupon)
Simply Harvest light soup 2 cans @ $1.25/can ($1/2 coupon)
Can Hormel chicken $1.43 ($.35 coupon)
Pillsbury pizza crust $2.16 ($1.10 coupon)
Pillsbury crescent rolls $1.26 ($1 coupon)
Arm & Hammer cat litter $5.96 ($1 coupon)
Purina cat chow $4.18 ($4 coupon)
Amish noodles $1.16
Flour tortillas $1.14
FF turkey lunchmeat $3.00
Skim milk $1.82
Bananas $.92
TOTAL: $29.62
Kraft mac & cheese buy 3 get 3 free @ $.74/box
Bread $1.29
Dole salad mix BOGO @ $1.99/bag
Tyson chicken strips $2.50 ($1 coupon)
TOTAL: $7.08
GRAND TOTAL: $36.70 ($1.70 over budget)
I went in with a grocery list, and I ended up having to make some modifications to it b/c they didn't have some things on my list, and I forgot to put some essentials (like milk) on there. I think that $36 for 2 weeks of groceries, INCLUDING cat food & litter, is pretty damn good! I'm proud! Planning pays off!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
CVS Deals 9/15/08

So it's a little blurry b/c it was taken with my phone, but you get the idea! Here are my transactions:
Transaction #1
Aleve D (20 ct in error): $3.99
Excedrin $3.99
2 Glade Sprays @ $.99: $1.98
Powerade: $.88
Total: $10.84
Use $2/$10 CVS coupon from magic coupon machine
$1/1 Aleve coupon
$2/1 Excedrin coupon (cashier didn't notice this was for the wrong Excedrin product... but it scanned!)
BOGO glade coupon
Use $3 ECB from last week
Total OOP: $1.85 + tax = $2.00 (Earn $3.99 ECB & then noticed I didn't earn $3 ECB for Aleve...)
Transaction #2
Had to return the 20 ct Aleve D b/c what I really needed was the 10 ct. They returned $2.02 to me as the adjusted cost with coupons
Transaction #3
I then got the correct Aleve. There was a $1 off coupon taped to the box, which he scanned then never removed, so at least I got an extra coupon outta the deal...
Aleve D 10 ct: $3.99 (earn $3 ECBs)
Total: $3.99
Use $1/1 Aleve coupon
Total OOP: $3.03 & Earn $3 ECB (after the fact I realized I had $2 ECB that I could have used for this transaction, but was so flustered that I forgot!)
Transaction #4
Lipton 100 ct: $3
30 oz Mayo: $3
2 Skippy Peanut Butter & 1 Ragu pasta sauce: 3/$5
Total: $11.00
Use $2/$10 CVS printable
Use $.50/1 Lipton coupon
Use $.50/1 Mayo coupon
Use $1/2 Skippy coupon
Use $3 & $3.99 ECBs from earlier transactions
Total OOP: $0.01 + tax = $0.04 (earn $3 ECBs)
Started the week with $5 ECBs, Ended the week with $5 ECBs. Spent $3.05 OOP this week.
Monday, September 8, 2008
My CVS Savings 8/7-8/13
I bought:
2 cans CVS peanuts @$1.99 each ($3.98)
2 Aussie shampoo/conditioner @$2.49 each ($4.98)
1 bag Chex Mix @$1.00 ($1.00)
1 Revlon Nail Polish @$3.99 ($3.99)
1 3-pack CVS paper towels @$1.99 ($1.99)
Total before coupons: $15.94+tax
I used:
$2/$10 CVS printable
$2/2 CVS nuts coupon from magic CVS machine
$2/2 Aussie products from yesterday's paper
$0.60/1 Chex printable
$1/1 CVS paper towels from magic CVS machine
$5.99 ECBs from last week
Total savings: $13.59
OOP this week: $2.40
Earned: $2 ECB from Aussie products & $3 ECB from Revlon nail polish
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Free All You Trial
Walmart puts out a magazine called All You that's chock full of coupons... in searching thru this month's issue for new coupons, I noticed a little blurb about getting 2 free issues by going to http://www.blogger.com/www.allyou.com and requesting the free trial.
Fill in your name/address, then check the "Bill Me" option. Really what this is doing is signing you up with a 12-issue subscription, but the fine print states that you can cancel at any time, simply by writing "CANCEL" on the bill when you receive it and sending it back, while keeping your trial issues. So, get your 2 free issues, send the bill back, and you'll get a couple month's coupons for free!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
CVS Deals 8/31-9/6
Transaction #1
3 cans pringles @ $.88=$2.64
1 Dawn @ $.99
1 Colgate @ $2.99 (earn $2 ECB)
2 Cover Girl Lip Color BOGO=2/$9.99
Total before coupons $16.61
Coupons used:
$2/$10 CVS printable
$.30/3 Pringles
$.50/1 Dawn
$1.50/1 Colgate printable
BOGO Cover Girl lip color coupon (-$9.99)
$1.49 ECB
Total Coupon Savings: $15.78
Difference: $.83 + Tax = $1.67 OOP & $2.00 ECB Earned
Transaction #2
Cover Girl Wetslicks $5.99 (Earn $5.99 ECB)
Total before coupons: $5.99
Coupons Used:
$1 Cover Girl coupon
$3 old ECB
$2 ECB earned on last transaction
Total Coupon Savings: $6.00
Difference: Overage of $.01 + Tax = $.08 OOP & $5.99 ECB Earned