My weekend started off pretty good. I made good decisions at dinner & at the movies. Things went a bit downhill Saturday, but still not unsalvagable, I don't think. I had leftover spinach quiche for breakfast (8 points), had McDonald's as my only option for lunch, but got a plain McChicken (8 points), then had a wedding reception to go to where I made relatively good choices totalling 10 points. So, that left me with 10 daily points and my 35 weekly points... and there was an open bar.... I would imagine that I drank about that, too. I did NOT however, have any cake! We also got White Castle for the drunken ride back to our hotel... I'd never had it before, but let me tell you, I want more. I don't even know the points on those little suckers. But I ate 2. But, that was just one day, and Sunday I did better. I didn't eat much all day b/c we were on the road, then dinner was at Red Lobster for my mom's birthday. I could have made a better decision, but the fact was that it was dinner time & I'd used 4 of my daily points, so I got what I wanted.
But, the weekend is over, and now I'm back to focused eating & logging everything that goes in my mouth! I am GOING to exercise today. Period. I took the stairs down 16 flights of stairs today all ready... that's something. Yes, going up them would be more of a workout, but I don't really want to be sweaty at work! Tonight I'm making porcupine meatballs (ground turkey meatballs w/rice in them, covered w/FF cream of mushroom soup). I think Instead of the rice though, I may use some spinach & onion that I have in my veggie drawer that I don't want to go to waste. That would lower the points AND I'd get use of my veggies. That may just be a plan!
I am going to continue to go to Friday morning WW meetings (as long as I continue to have Friday mornings off). I was feeling a little burnt out on my leader. She's really upbeat & nice, but I've come to realize she's really spacy & ditzy, and it's started to get on my nerves. The Friday lady is a little different. She's quieter, but she's very encouraging, and I think maybe even just a few weeks away from my other woman might be enough to get me back to Tuesdays eventually. I miss the Tuesday crowd, but I need a break! So, fingers crossed that Friday morning brings good results!!!
I find that replacing my starch with a veggie (usually white rice as I'm in Japan, replaced with broccoli) really helps me too, plus I get less bingey later.
Congrats on the weight loss, that's major poundage right there! And good on changing meetings instead of just giving up.
it sounds like you are having a great week! congrats on your loss and for changing up those habits. although I have to say I had a bad experience with white castle after a wedding and cannot bring myself to ever want it again (which is probably a good thing). I think its great too that you have realized that your WW leader plays a part in your motivation/accountability, and are going to a better one who is going to support you more. that is only going to help you succeed!
Congrats on your huge loss!!!! And good for you for having a (mostly) OP week!
WOW! I can't remember ever losing that kind of weight in a month...that's wonderful!
Congratulations Teale on earning that sunny happy flower.
Keep up the great work.
Congratulations on your loss! That is just fabulous - I am happy that you're seeing results! It is so much easier to continue on plan when you get positive results. And I love the picture of your flower. You're making good choices, lady! Right on.
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